Winter waves

Searching for waves during winter is something I always look forward to. You can often find some great surf and my usual spots in North Devon were working very well. Checking the forecasts as extensively as I do - you can sometimes get a little overwhelmed - spoilt for choice and unsure where the best place to go is. Having picked a spot I felt was best, I decided to pack and take the 18-140mm lens with me. It's hard to prioritise what comes first when I visit these locations - surfing or photography. It always seemed as though I had to sacrifice one or the other for the conditions on offer at that given time. Both are pretty special, although I really shouldn't complain...

Typically, most conditions along the coastline make great photos throughout the year. It's all about what you do with the scenery and how you approach it. When surrounded by these opportunities, it's important to make the most of them. During the winter months, you will, more often than not, be greeted by those moody colours whenever you seem to position yourself on this stretch of coastline...


There’s no place like home


Somerset serenity