Somerset serenity

Looking back on my childhood, as a family we would regularly visit Cheddar Gorge. Being a youngster at the time, unfortunately, you don’t appreciate the nature and surroundings as much. I set off during the middle of the night - it’s only a short drive, but I wanted to capture a long-exposure shot that I had in mind. It was only when I parked that I realised how dark it was in the area. Walking up the windy road with no street lighting, it was somewhat eerie and hearing nothing but the creatures of night - it felt like something from a horror movie. The torch on my phone was the only light source available to me at the time. When I found a spot I was happy with - I set up the tripod and put the 10-20mm wide-angle lens on my camera. Waiting for traffic - I feared what someone might think if they spotted me in their headlights - although looking back on the images that I captured, it didn’t really matter to be honest!

I spent the day hiking around the surrounding area, taking in the scenery and enjoying the views. I think it's safe to say that I appreciate these things in life much more nowadays…


Winter waves


The leafier side of town