West Midlands wandering

Photography has always been instrumental in shaping public opinion, as it can evoke emotions and influence how people see/understand others and the world itself. Without too much of a photojournalist approach, what initially started off as a spontaneous, creative idea has developed more into a personal interest - a series of unique full-body portraits with the inclusion of at least one photo focusing on distortion/silhouetting/slow shutter speeds per set. Looking back on the last few months, some of the images that I have captured from this idea have become personal highlights... Surrounded by some of the most beautiful, bizarre architecture on the lively streets of Birmingham, I was pleased that I took an additional 10-20mm wide-angle lens for this trip. It was the best tool for capturing some of the more unique and unusual characteristics of the city! Starting the day off at the Old Custard Factory in Digbeth, following the canal towpath into the heart of the city...

Looking back on the day overall, I often felt the desire to return to certain locations with the camera, almost as if I'd forgotten something for whatever reason (never satisfied)? However, I do plan to explore more rural settings soon - it is bluebell season after all...


The circuitous route


Streets of Manchester