The circuitous route

The tranquil surroundings of the countryside. Escaping yet again(!) from city life for a short while - although admittedly (and rather oddly) there are many aspects that I do love when being in a crowded city scene... This time I was in search for natural light and colour, with the advice/guidance from a knowledgeable friend who kindly provided me with a number of lesser known locations to visit - I made plans! After parking up during the early hours of the morning, briefly looking at my phone to pin my return spot - I had no signal. This normally isn't an issue for me but this was a new location, so I had to keep track of my surroundings to the best of my ability, trekking through dense woodland. I was prepared to cover a lot of ground for a number of hours - a circuitous route to say the least... Taking both the 18-140mm and 10-20mm lenses, looking forward to what I might find!

There's something about roaming aimlessly, it improves your attentiveness, as well as providing a sense of comprehension and perspective whilst out in rural settings...


Returning back to the big smoke


West Midlands wandering