Streets of Manchester

The thrill of a new location! A recommendation from a friend who attended The University of Manchester, providing me with a good source of information and inspiration... A small window of opportunity arose, and I planned to set out to explore the city with an open mind. I've been meaning to visit this part of the country for a number of years... The previous evening, I cleansed the sensor and mirror of my DSLR, charged a couple of batteries and attached the 18-140mm lens - ready and anticipating for the couple of days planned ahead. Having witnessed similarities of vibrant/creative lifestyles and cultures to Bristol and London (spots I often frequent), I felt ambitious and managed to navigate my way through the city with a sense of ease. Street photography can be unpredictable and challenging at times, although highly satisfying with a little luck and patience!

Being the typical tourist, I regretfully left a few stones unturned during my visit. There's always next time... It's amazing how time can evaporate throughout the day - or maybe that's just an age thing?


West Midlands wandering


Portishead promenading