South Devon goodness

Many years ago, someone recommended Plymouth to me and I kept putting it off - for whatever reason?! With a couple of days free on the calendar, I felt like this was the best opportunity to go and explore it whilst the weather was in my favour (it hasn’t been great lately). Planning a photography trip the evening before departure is something I always enjoy - searching for ideas and the element of discovery with the camera lens will always be a surprise. Often referred to as ‘Ocean City’, it's easy to see why - it's very accessible and relatively easy to roam from place to place with ease. A mixture of street photography/coastal and rural which can have a little bit of an overwhelming effect about where to spend the majority of time. I’m unsure how many miles I ended up walking! 

Bantham isn’t too far away and the surf was working - another spot I need to visit again soon - having surfed it a couple of times in the past, it's a spot in South Devon that I have fond memories of from the depths of winter (when it's typically the best time to score some waves)...


Midland jewel


Morning Bath tones