Somerset strolling

Spring is in the air. I finally had the opportunity to stop and run away from city life for a short while - we all need a change of scenery occasionally... Exploring some hidden gems out in the Somerset countryside, roaming freely without looking at my phone and watch for a change! It's funny how we can get so caught up in day to day life, unfortunately and regretfully not noticing or appreciating the things around us - it's easily done (I think?)... We're only human after all! I purposely only took one fully charged battery for this trip, with just one lens also (18-140mm) - minimal, yet a refreshing change, as I think I can sometimes overwhelm myself by packing unnecessary kit that can potentially hinder my approach to a scene. Being resourceful is a useful and necessary skill when it comes to photography - or so I've read anyway!

After having a conversation with one of the local residents in the morning, I couldn't help but feel a little envious of their lifestyle and daily routine. Although to be honest, I would probably miss the city life after just a few weeks - never satisfied...


Portishead promenading


Home city wanderings