Home city wanderings

Bold, biased and blessed - three positive adjectives that I recently used when someone asked for my views on Bristol. It is my home city after all. I accept the good and the bad, let's be honest - there is no place on earth that is perfect! However, it is a city filled with creativity - with both the beautiful and the bizarre. I went out during the early hours with a photo set in mind (taking the 18-140mm lens - the most versatile lens in my opinion when it comes to street photography), returning to the house with a completely different set to what I initially planned on capturing - it's amazing what you can find! Due to the unpredictable weather, I found myself returning to a couple of different spots within the city - mainly because the conditions weren't working as well as I initially hoped for. It is winter after all... 

There's something special about a home town, something I think we can all relate to for one reason or another. Bristol has and always will be a special place for me, for many reasons... 


Somerset strolling


London life