The leafier side of town

October is always a special time of year for me for many reasons. Those feelings from the colours of Autumn often bring a smile to my face as a photographer. It provides a lot of inspiration and motivation to explore some of the spots you've been meaning to uncover for those photo opportunities for a while... Everything seems much more picturesque, especially during the early hours of the day - it can also be quite special waiting for sunrise. I originally planned an early morning excursion around the North Wessex Downs - I had a couple of spots that I had in mind. A road closure a few miles away from home had changed my plans - there was no diversion route on offer at the time, so I decided to stay local and head over to the leafier side of town…

After spending much of the morning roaming around this side of the city, equipped wiih the 18-55 lens only, I was very pleased with the results! I have an odd fascination with leading lines at the moment - the automatic reaction of the eye to being drawn in always seems satisfying when looking at a photo...


Somerset serenity