Pretty city London

London. The sudden realisation that London is slowly becoming my other ‘creative hub’. Having spent more time here than anywhere else in the UK so far this year, it has provided me with a million and one things I want to visit and photograph in this great city! It seems as though every street/borough has something to offer - plus, I love the ever-changing scenery, there's always a good photo opportunity! I often find myself venturing out during the early mornings in London. I can take my time in the summer months - plus it’s relatively quiet at dawn, which allows me to try some new perspectives and angles that I’m sure most people would raise an eyebrow at! Another staircase for the portfolio from Tate Britain, the help from the wide-angle lens assisted me to frame the image at a number of angles, which I admit took me a while to figure out which one I was eventually happy with...

Now we're officially into the summer months - I need to make plans to visit a coastal town at some point...


The road to Swansea


My kind of city