My kind of city

Back in Bristol, home sweet home - but for how long? It's a city where I find myself at my most creative. Trying new ideas and normally exporting them to other parts of the country if they're successful... As a rule when I'm back home, I usually head on out in the evenings and see what I can get photo-wise (it's more of a 'recce' or a walk more than anything). Usually finding something by surprise! I experimented with spinning steel wool again, this time under the A4044. It is a very quiet spot - an ideal place to try it, as it attracts so much unwanted attention in the open at times. After a few attempts, eventually satisfied with an image that worked out well - it can sometimes be quite unpredictable!

Exploring the city to find a unique composition for a long-exposure shot behind fencing, a passer-by asked me what I was doing when they saw me crouched down with the tripod, angled in an usual manner. I simply told them the truth - that I was waiting for a bus I had no intention of catching…


Pretty city London


Midland jewel