Overcast capital roaming

Overcast weather conditions in London can be considered to be a typical day within the capital - hardly surprising, is it? A brief visit to the financial district, I decided to take a couple of lenses (18-70mm and 10-20mm), along with a tripod also for a particular shot in mind. I started the day one hour before sunrise, at the first spot - London Bridge. The number of buses going to and from is remarkable - normally it takes several attempts to end up with an image you can be generally happy with when it comes to long-exposures. A tweak of the settings here and there with the ever-changing background colour is something to take note of. Shooting in manual mode provides more freedom to set up, allowing all the detail at your creative leisure for that elusive image you wish to capture…

I was pleased to find another spiral staircase - interior design is something I've always appreciated, but there's something about the symmetrical outlines that gives it that satisfying feeling. This side of London is often considered to be the business end. It can get busy at times, but you can often find the odd 'gem' that you weren't expecting to capture also...


Autumnal wonderwalls


Keeping it local