London life

Roaming around aimlessly in East London, you can often find the odd gem or two - photography speaking. It's probably the main reason why I find myself spending more time here these days... There's a lot of character on these streets, inspiring new ideas - allowing creativity to flourish! I've recently been reading more about the late Vivian Maier - another photographer whose work I greatly admire. The specific interest in her work that I love is the use of people along with colour and distortion - something I'm keen to explore further in the future. As I've mentioned before - I could write more about the technical aspects of the images captured, including from this photo set, along with what camera equipment was used with the settings also... However, it won't be an interest to everyone and it could be perceived to be a little pretentious.

Also, I find going into such detail can sometimes take away the magic of photography, with images being dissected and reduced to mere data. Sometimes it's best to have an open mind - personal opinions and feelings are very important to the viewer...


Home city wanderings


North Devon heaven