Delightful Dorset

Luck and timing - the two words I often use when it comes to photography. Well, on my visit to Dorset I had both… Bad luck and bad timing! My drive down was somewhat eventful - a couple of road closures and misguided diversions - I missed the golden sunrise by minutes. Maybe I’ve been spoilt with conditions of late?! Nonetheless, I still enjoyed the day wandering around Portland Bill. It was a chilly day and I was parked on top of the hill with an immense view. It's a great spot to capture a decent landscape image. After a while, I decided to walk down to the bottom towards Chesil Beach. I left my camera switched on in my backpack, like a fool - I didn’t charge my spare batteries either that I always carry with me! Walking around for a good couple of hours, the battery was very low when I looked at it again… 

However, I would recommend visiting the abandoned 'Forbidden City' for anybody planning a trip around the local area (worth looking up online - it can be a little bit surreal). As well as the Tout Quarry - it reminded me of the 1985 movie - Return to Oz (with all the sculptures).


Capturing London


There’s no place like home