Capturing London

Roaming around the capital is something I do enjoy, especially when it comes to photography! I was keen to try a number of locations on the west side, with a long-exposure shot in mind.  It’s hard to write how I feel about London sometimes - it’s a complex city with a lot going on - the fast-paced environment can sometimes be overwhelming, you will always spot a number of different unique angles/compositions to try in such a short space of time... I've been meaning to try out the mini tripod I've recently acquired. The low-angle view will certainly give a different perspective and offer something a little different. Photography in itself is about trying new things...

Every now and then, I get asked what my go-to settings are on the camera. Normally I try everything during a trip. Primarily, it would be shutter-priority or full manual mode, but it is important to try something a little outside your comfort zone also. This is the best way to learn, not only about your style and tastes but also about your camera too...


An evening in Clevedon


Delightful Dorset