Colours of London

Heavy downpours and overcast skies within the capital can sometimes prove to be challenging when it comes to street photography. Finding myself on the east side yet again, I could see the clouds suddenly breaking from strong winds - sensing a good opportunity for a sunset (a rarity in London). I proceeded to work my way back from Shoreditch, finding several unique compositions and finding puddles which gave a unique mirrored perspective along the way. I slowly headed towards Tower Bridge - many tourists were already perched, ready and anticipating to capture the event. Bold lighting after stormy conditions provided to be quite a dramatic scene! Admittedly, failing at previous sunsets here in the past, there was a real sense of appreciation when it finally happened...

Again, London always seems to bring out a sense of creativity - whether that is due to the community or finding new spots to try with the lens. It's a city filled with new potential photo opportunities, with an ever-changing landscape. Even after a couple of weeks away, returning to certain local spots, they have changed in one way or another for a unique perspective... 


A city called home


A Bristolian Halloween