Returning back to the big smoke

Having returned back to the 'big smoke' for a few days, the pace of the capital city is something that will always surprise me... Spending the majority of time located on the East End - it has a certain charm, the streets adorned with life and character! Taking the DSLR with a wide-angle lens, excitedly ready to dedicate at least one full morning on photography, a few ideas have been on my list for a while - one of which required a watchful eye on the tide times. The best opportunity was (typically) going to happen at blue hour - one hour before sunrise - a very early start to the day down by the Thames River Bank to try out some long-exposures. After a coffee stop, I then worked my way back through the hustle and bustle of the financial district during the morning - in search of the odd gem or two...

Summer is on the horizon, but I've never been much of a holiday person - I find it difficult to relax and stay in one place for anything longer than a week. Although my itchy feet will likely take me back to the coast relatively soon...


Overnight coastal excursion


The circuitous route