Georgian City at dawn

Wandering around the Georgian City of Bath at dawn, trying out a few shots I’ve had in mind for a while… I also did a ‘recce’ visit last week - to familiarise myself with a couple of spots and take mental notes of where the best light might be throughout the morning (the weather is very unpredictable during this time of year). Arriving one hour before sunrise, it was remarkably peaceful - this provided creative freedom and allowed me to take time focusing/positioning and take in the scene. A friend and resident of the city warned me the previous evening that the Christmas Market was in full swing, having also seen the local news about how busy it can get - I wanted to be home by lunchtime preferably!

Overall, I was very happy with the set that I managed to capture. It’s not often that I visit this city with my camera - however, I always seem to leave with a shot or two in mind for my next potential photography mission on the Georgian streets of Bath. I should visit more often...


North Devon heaven


Home sweet home