Woodlands of Somerset

Autumn always provides a good opportunity to plan for an adventure to enjoy those warm, delightful scenes. Walking through dense woodland is something I generally do on a weekly basis - locally. Not always armed with a camera, sometimes it's good to just appreciate your surroundings. However, it's apparently mushroom season (I’ve been searching high and low over the past couple of years, for an opportunity to take a photo of the Fly Agaric mushroom). I was informed by a knowledgeable friend that there was a particular spot in Somerset that is well known for them, with the rain and humidity - the conditions offered the best chance of finding one - I had to visit. Setting off during the early hours and roaming the woodlands - I managed to find a few! Using the flash gun with soft lighting, using all the macro settings available to me. It took me several attempts to walk away with an image I was pleased with and to be honest, I did get lost as I walked deeper and deeper into the woodlands...

It always amazes me how you can find these serene spots within the South-West region without having to travel too far...


Home sweet home


It’s not a bad old town